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Ebook : Infant – Juvenile Sexual Exploitation

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Infant – Juvenile Sexual Exploitation

Practical guide for its prevention and detection To be used with pre-school and primary school children.


Infant / Juvenile Sexual Exploitation.
Practical guide for its prevention and detection To be used with pre-school and primary school children.

Chapter 1:Sexuality and sexual health.
Chapter 2:Sexual Health and Sexual Rights. Laws.
Chapter 3:Infant /Juvenile Sexual Exploitation – abuse – trade – prostitution – pornography – sexual tourism
Chapter 4: Detection and indicators.
Chapter 5: 
Protective conducts of prevention.
– Information.
– Communication.
– Values, attitudes and social norms.
– Responsibility.
– Dvelopment of social skills.
– Development of protection skills.

Chapter 6: 
Conclusions. Bibliography Authors

Sexual Abuse of Infants. A space of reflection for its prevention and detection. Sexual abuse of infants is one of most complex topics we can approach, especially from the pedagogical point of view because of its many connotations related to a personal and family sphere.

The issue can be analyzed from different points of view: anthropological, studying how through the different stages of history this practice has been a constant in every culture with its corresponding load of different meanings and nuances: clinical, describing the different psychological, physical and sexual consequences which in the short, medium or long term cause suffering to innocent victims due to this type of ill treatment; psycho-social, where we are able to analyze the text and context, where close bonds may be able to achieve a solution towards a common project or may repeat social mandates and subjectivities.

And also from the legal and educational point of view, look into strengths and weaknesses that contain and/or detain us. In this book/paper we will be dealing with the educational aspect, oriented towards the prevention and detection of ASI (Sexual Abuse of Infants), giving information and facilitating techniques to be used by teachers and, thus, permitting these to be carried out in schools, as early as in pre-school establishments. To approach this delicate subject, it is necessary to be able to internalize situations, either real or imaginary, first in ourselves so as to understand in depth the damage caused to and the pain of those who have been, those who are and whose who, to our shame, will continue to be submitted and defenceless sufferers of this cruel reality. Intellectual learning of this issue is very important as understanding brings with it the necessary support to instrument the suitable tools and relate the contents and the methodology according to the psycho-sexual age of the infants. Bu what we must not forget that in the field of sexuality it is essential that we come into contact with our own emotions, with our own meanings, with our own sensitivity and subjectivity, that is, with our attitudes. From this platform, we will work and re-signify the conception of prevention.

We achieve true awareness when we connect with our feelings from the place that occupies the intimacy of human beings because that is where we can find life stories and this is what sustains the individual imprint that we all need to walk through life and the situations presented to us. Emotional learning becomes a necessity, for adults (teachers, parents) who are committed to the task of teaching sex education and who should give out a believable, safe and trustworthy message. In order to prevent, especially in the case of sexual abuse of infants, we must first of all be able to experience the difficulties that limit this learning process, so that we can transmit the knowledge and the experiences in an effective and convincing way.

To do this we should revise our own sexuality, evaluating not only the information that we may have regarding different topics that can be taught, but also examine our own meanings and our own symbology relating to sexuality, our life stories and our social skills. We consider that it is indispensable to form teachers, especially in spaces such as work-shops We know that in the area of sexuality, the hidden curriculum that each of us has internalized by means of culturally learnt attitudes and mandates, is essential when we need to teach about human conducts. Therefore, adults who are involved in this educational commitment should avoid their own prejudices and fears, when it comes to teaching certain types of behaviour connected with sexuality. The task is not an easy one, but it is our responsibility to perform it within a framework where we respect the healthy development of the sexual personality of boys and girls who are protected under the blanket of our security and trust.

There is a lot more to be learnt in addition to the concepts laid out in this paper and there are also other teaching methods that could be applied in order to work with teachers, with parents and, fundamentally, with the main recipients of this effort: the small children who deserve our best care and respect.

Autores: Dra. Amelia del Sueldo. | Dra. Olga Marega.


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